Thursday, June 28, 2012

100 Years of Yesterday

This week, I am going to ask you to dig through your closets, your attics and your basements, anywhere you have stored those bits and pieces of Grandma’s or Grandpa’s handicrafts. Then dust them off and consider which ones you would like to display at the Centennial Celebration. Do you have an old rag rug, or a tatted tablecloth? Or perhaps you have a little spice shelf your grandfather made. It doesn’t really matter if it is in pristine condition, it only matters that it was made by someone from the area. Part of the Centennial Celebration will be remembering the past, and what better way to remember them than to showcase their handiwork.

Shirley Adams is organizing this Arts and Crafts Display which will be held in the Encana Room (above the Arena) so please give her a call or drop me an email at

Another area of the celebration that will be focusing on the past is our “Meet and Greet”. This will also be held in the Arena Complex on the Second floor and it will be a chance for you to browse old yearbooks and pictures. A quiet place where you can meet up with old friends and then if you are wanting to reminisce a bit more, you can mosey next door to the coffee bar that will be located in the curling rink lounge.

Tickets for Trooper and The Emeralds are still available, call the Town Office @ 403-443-5822 to get yours today. Are you wanting a Three Hills History book? Consider pre-paying, this will allow you pick up your book right after the ceremony on Saturday, July 22nd.
Call J Kanderka @ 403 443-7388 or D Enzie @ 403 443 5625 for more information.

Last week’s random thought generated a bit of interest, which unfortunately, I have been too busy to collect. So, I can not share any tidbits with you this week.
But I will leave you with this many of you grew up without indoor plumbing and actually used an outhouse on a daily basis??

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

100 years of yesterday

 Tyralee Reynolds was the lucky winner of the early bird--registration--gift basket. And all she did was fill out a registration form for the July Celebration weekend. To date we have less than 300 people registered. Are you one of the 300 or one of the “others”? I know I keep flogging this horse, but I am sure that next week everyone who lives here and is planning on taking part in the festivities will have registered. ( I am going to be like the little engine that could and keep repeating, I think I they will, I think they will and then they will)

I know after last week’s full page list of activities (which I hope you clipped and saved) you can hardly wait for July 20, 21st & 22nd weekend. I can’t believe that it is just over a month until the big PARTY. Not sure which event I am looking forward to the most. Could be the firework, or the parade or the awesome entertainment line up. If you are wanting tickets for Trooper or The Emeralds (both events are well on their way to being sold out) call the Town Office @ 403-443-5822.

The History Book will be launched that weekend, and every book will include a map of the Town of Three Hills in the early years. This map is not for sale and is only available with the purchase of your history book. Call J Kanderka @ 403 443-7388 or D Enzie @ 403 443 5625 to reserve your book today.

I may have mentioned this before, but it needs mentioning again, none of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for an awesome committee--all who have donated hours of their time and countless other citizens who are not on the committee and still have volunteered in numerous ways. I guess that’s just the way it is in a small town, someone rolls up his (or her) sleeves and the next thing you know everyone is pitching in. Thanks.

Random thought for the week. Anyone remember the Town’s 50th Celebration?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

100 Year of Yesterday

100 Years of Yesterday
is also published in the Three Hills Capital

Last week’s random thought --was vividly remembered by Millie Penner. She told me that it was paved in September of 1961 and she remembers this because they were paving it on her wedding day.

Our committee has been very productive this past couple of weeks.
1st--The parade route has been changed and extended from a 1 ½ km to 2 ½ km. So if you are walking the route, wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle. It is a good thing that the route has been extended because it is going to be a long, long parade. Already we have two pipe & drum bands, 30 horses, 100 Elks, a float from the City of Red Deer confirmed, plus a number of out of town business inquiring about entering our parade. If you are planning on putting a float in the parade, you can contact Marnie Graham and give her a heads’ up.

2nd--Stampede Stage--This is a self-contained movable stage that will be stationed at various locations around town throughout the weekend. Friday nite will see it parked out at the ball diamonds. Here, The Gordie West Band and the Stewart Family will put on a pre-fireworks show, starting at 9pm. Then the stage & the same awesome entertainers will move to the Centennial Pancake Breakfast location (in front of IGA). After the parade the stage will move on to Main Street and the entertainment will continue until around 5pm.
3rd--Our committee really needs some volunteers. Most shifts are only for 2 or 3 hours. Some of the areas that are in desperate need are--manning the souvenir table in the Arena,
parade co-ordinators, manning the history book table, helping in the Historic Art’s ‘n Crafts display area, greeting visitors, etc. If you are willing to help you can pick up a volunteer form at the Three Hills General Store, or Alsite Travel. You can also email this information Alex at Please include your name & phone number.

4th--Celebrate this Centennial in Style--Souvenirs are in and are now for Sale. Stop by the Three Hills General Store to pick yours up today. Quantities are limited. Ball Caps are available through Woody’s Upholstery.

Okay, I’m stopping to breathe now. As you can see this is going to be the Ultimate Birthday Party. There are a zillion more events planned for the weekend and I will be updating you a on few of them every week. You do not want to miss our Centennial Celebration. 

And don't forget to listen to Q91 radio-- our Centennial Minute that airs every Friday around 8:10am.

One of the features on our webpage is our “calendar”. Here you can find details on many of the 100 Centennial Events that are happening throughout the year. Sat. June 16 is the Centennial Street Garage sale as well as the Museum Open House. Then on June 18 the Habitat House--100 Hour--Build begins.

Random thought for the week. Do you remember the outdoor swimming pool?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

100 Years of Yesterday June 6

by Chairperson Terry Diack

This past weekend Three Hills was swamped with people and cars. And from what I have heard, this was the BEST Cruise “Weekend” ever.
Yah, I missed it.
I was in Toronto with the Three Hills School Band (as a chaperon) on an exchange trip. 
This was an awesome opportunity for our students and it reminded me of Ken Leaf.

Back in the early 1970’s Ken brought the “band” program to the Three Hills School. 
I remember going on a band trip with Mr. Leaf’--loading the school bus with students & instruments, staying in a hostel in Banff, playing in a number of schools along the way and then, performing in a park in Banff. It too, was an awesome experience. And if I recall correctly, that was almost 40 years ago.

If you would like to hear those students I was chaperoning you have one more chance--this Wednesday nite, at 7pm is the Three Hills School Band’s Final Concert.

Who else is turning 100 this year? St. Barnabas Anglican Church. You can join them this Sunday (June 10th) as they celebrate their 100th Anniversary.

And remember, this week is “Senior’s Week”, so take the time to visit with a senior, buy them a coffee or mow their lawn. After all, if it wasn’t for our Seniors, our town wouldn’t be celebrating 100 years.

I can hardly wait for July 20, 21 & 22nd. Reminiscing with friends and family about the past and the present, catching up on old times and making new memories. I hope you have registered, but if you haven’t, there’s still time. Although time is running out.

This is crunch time for the Centennial Committee as pesky little details are ironed out. And because there are always those last minute items, the committee will be meeting every two weeks as we work feverishly to make our July Celebration a huge success. 

Random thought for this week. Who remembers when they paved Main Street?